Buy Weed Online

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Buying weed online is easy and comes with many benefits

A Complete Guide on How to Buy Weed Online

If you’re sick of the lackluster selection and the quality of the weed at local dispensaries, you’re in for a treat with online cannabis dispensaries. You’ll find better deals, more coupons and higher quality cannabis strains that range from AA to AAAA. Buying weed online is the newest craze. You’ll easily get higher quality products

Looking for cheap weed or budget buds? Buy weed online for great weed deals

How to Get the Best Weed Deals Online

One of the best parts of shopping for cannabis online through an online cannabis dispensary is the affordable prices you’ll see. Gone are the days where you’re spending $40 to $50 on an eighth of weed. At an online dispensary, you can get an eighth of weed for less than $10 sometimes depending on the

Buy My Weed Online vs CannabudPost

Buy My Weed Online (BMWO) Online Dispensary and CannabudPost Online Dispensary We get it, there is a new online dispensary in Canada opening shop every day that it’s hard to keep track. Buy My Weed Online and Cannabudpost are two popular mail order marijuana services located in Canada. With the legalization of cannabis, the market

Does weed go bad? Learn how long your weed can last and how long you can store weed for.

How Long Does Weed Last? Does Weed Go Bad?

It’s time to answer the age-long question of, “How long does weed last?” Many smokers have often wondered whether their weed goes bad. In general, marijuana flowers have a long shelf life and can be smoked even years after they’ve been harvested. So, if you find an old bag of weed in your closet or

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Educational Content

Buying Weed Online in Quebec, Canada

Famously known as the most vibrant French community in North America, Quebec, or “La Belle Province” (The Beautiful Province), is the biggest and most heavily populated province in Canada. What makes Quebec unique from any other Canadian cities is the pieces of the past that are still visible. Now, buying weed online in Quebec has

couple spending valentine's day with pizza, sex and cannabis

Love, Romance, Sex and Cannabis for Valentine’s Day

Even before cannabis was legalized, marijuana and marijuana-related products, like edibles, have always been great presents, especially when it comes to presents of love! In recent years, cannabis has become a popular Valentine’s Day gift from one lover to another, as you’ll find that love, romance, sex and cannabis mix well together. It’s fun to

Learn more about whether CBD gives you a body high in comparison to THC

Does CBD Give You a Body High?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a cannabinoid that you can find in both cannabis and hemp. This cannabinoid has received significantly more attention in recent years, as it was made legal. Many studies found that CBD had healing properties and is not psychoactive. This cannabinoid can be easily extracted from weed and made into

Use weed for sleep as a natural remedy for insomnia

Top 11 Strains of Cannabis for Insomnia in 2021

The prevalence of insomnia within the Canadian population ranges from 6% to 48% depending on the definition used for insomnia; smoking cannabis for insomnia can help! Why Is Marijuana a Better Sleep Aid than Sleeping Pills? If you’re struggling with insomnia, you have two options: cannabis or sleep aids. Some people take trazodone for sleep.

cannabis for anxiety in 2021

The 5 Best Medical Cannabis Strains for Anxiety in 2021

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders that affect Canadians, with approximately 5% of Canadians struggling with some form of mild to severe anxiety disorder. Many more Canadians struggle with some form of anxiety on a less regular basis. If you’re not too keen on taking anti-anxiety medications, you can consider smoking

Do THC carts go bad? Does thc oil lose potency?

Do THC Carts Go Bad?

Much like with marijuana flowers, THC carts don’t last forever. Many pot smokers may be under the misconception that their vape cartridges last forever, regardless of whether they’re made from live resin, honey oil or d9 distillate. If you’ve ever found an old, iffy looking vape pen at the back of your drawer and wondered

Learn how to handle and store delta-9 distillate and other types of cannabis distillate

How to Handle and Store D9 Distillate

Upon receiving your jar of d9 distillate form us, you’ll notice that the distillate is quite viscous and hard. It’ll be thicker in consistency than honey or syrup (but just as sticky!). If you try to stick a spoon into the distillate, you’ll be met with some force. To work with and handle the d9

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Why you should buy weed online

Benefits of Choosing an Online Dispensary, No Card Needed

Are you looking to buy top shelf weed from an online dispensary, but would also like to maintain your privacy? Not everyone wants their personal information out there when they buy weed online, and that’s okay because some mail order marijuana (MOM) companies do not require any type of medical card or government ID. There

Domain Change!

We have moved from to Yes, we know it’s rather sudden, and you’ve probably gotten a “server cannot be reached” error when you visit our .ca site. But, if you’re not technologically savvy, what does that mean? It means that our domain registrar shut us down. Having a .ca site is always tricky.

Why CannabudPost is one of the best mail order marijuana dispensaries in all of Canada. Get to know us as a company. Learn about our mission and our brand.

Our Mission to Be One of the Top Mail Order Marijuana Dispensaries

We get it. The cannabis market is saturated right now with new mail order marijuana dispensaries everywhere. It seems like every day a new dispensary is born. Finding a good online dispensary can be difficult. Everyone is spouting that they’re the best. Everyone is claiming to be #1. So, why should you choose CannabudPost for

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Cannabis Strains

Different Weed Strains

Understand the difference between delta-8 distillate and delta-9 distillate

Cannabis Distillate: Difference Between Delta-8-THC and Delta-9-THC

If you’re looking for a cannabis product that packs a punch, you can’t go wrong with distillate. Cannabis distillate is not for the inexperienced. It has a potency that is close to nearly 99% compared to the 15 to 25% THC content that is often found in your average weed. Due to this reason, distillate

What is weed distillate and how is it made from cannabis?

Is Distillate an Indica, Sativa or Hybrid?

The answer to that is it depends on what type of distillate you’re buying. You’re most likely looking at delta-8 or delta-9 distillate. In which case, it is neither an indica, sativa or a hybrid. So, what is distillate? What type of cannabis is it made of and what type of marijuana is it? Distillate

Get a better understanding of what is limonene, and how this terpene in weed can offer health benefits beyond your imagination.

Limonene in Weed: What It Is and Are Its Benefits

Limonene is a common terpene found in many weed strains. It’s responsible for that delicious, lemony flavour that you taste. This aromatic chemical compound is found not only in weed, but in many citrus fruits, like lemons and oranges. This terpene is secreted alongside well-known cannabinoids, like THC and CBD. However, it is only secreted

Buy Weed Online

Mushrooms and Psilocybin


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Comparing CannabudPost (CBP) with online online mail order marijuana (MOM) shops

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